Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting ready for Italy.

It's coming. One more week left. I'm so very nervous right now. I hope everyone who is reading this is excited though. I'll try to post as much as I can to let you all know of my travels. Please pray for me and keep me in your thoughts, this is a huge adventure for me, and it'll help to have your support while I'm gone.
If you want to stay in contact with me while I'm gone, here's a couple of ways to do so!

Email: or
Skype: sleepingcities
AIM: revolutionxrock2

Please feel free to send me emails, pictures, and stories of what is happening at home, I'd really appreciate to have that little bit of connection to home while I'm away.

I'm leaving next Wednesday, June 30 at 545pm. I'll arrive in Rome at 745am (their time, they are 6 hours ahead of us). And then it's a 90 minute drive to Viterbo.
I have classes from 8-12 and 530-7 every Monday - Thursday, and travel days are Fridays and Saturday & Sundays are free days.
And then Thursday, July 29, it's a 10AM flight back to Boston, where I'm sure I'll be so excited to see my parents at the airport at 1 15PM

I love you all and I'm going to miss everyone very much (especially a certain few, Alex, Kels, Joely, Patty.... it's going to be very hard without you guys everyday)

But here's to an adventure, a photo adventure of epic proportions.


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